MAT CLASH will be available at upcoming Tyrant wrestling tournaments!
Scrap at the premier wrestling tournaments in the country and grab MAT CLASH at their vendors booth!
Visit www.tyrantwrestling.com for their upcoming events!

Combining multiple WAVES of MAT CLASH!

WAVE 2 offers wrestlers the opportunity to begin building their ultimate MAT CLASH deck! Build your ultimate 65 card set with the addition of WAVE 2!

Hit Doubles Not Vapes
We are committed to helping young athletes and kids alike in making good decisions and slowing down the vape pandemic that is running rampant in schools across the country!

He Has Arrived.
WAVE 2 of MAT CLASH will feature a short print (only 500) Shadow variant card. This card can be played directly after a +3 Takedown or +7 FEET-TO-BACK card from the neutral position. This card will give the wrestler that played the CLONE card the points and positioning of the card played by the other wrestler.
Example: Wrestler B plays a +3 Takedown card. Wrestler A responds with the CLONE card. Wrestler A would obtain the +3 Takedown and now be in the top position.
He Has Arrived.
Pair some text with a product to highlight features.

Welcome to the $Bmoney Beastin' Universe! Where everyone SHOWS UP and SHOWS OUT!

- Bmoney Beastin gave us a great deal on singlets for our club! Every other company was almost twice the cost for the same quality!
- I bought a pair of the version 2 wrestling shoes last year to train in and they've been such a great value!
- Bmoney Beastin set up a team store for our wrestling club this past season. Gear was delivered within a couple of weeks after the store was closed and the kids really loved the look and feel!

Wrestling Community Conversations
Why is coming up short considered such a bad thing in wrestling?
I watched a Big Ten match from 2019 this morning on YouTube where the number two ranked wrestler squared off against the number seven ranked wrestler at the same weight in a dual meet. The expectation...